Jim Eckman earned a Master of ScienceDegree at YSU, a Graduate Gemologist Diploma from the Gemological Institute of America & the Master Valuer Certificate.
Jim Huesken, V.P.
Jim was with Ace since 1987. He completed jewelry repair and diamond setting courses at Drouhard's National Jewelers' School. Jim retired from the bench in July 2021 and passed away in 2023.
Sharon Psenicka
Sharon graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, attended YSU and earned her Accredited Jewelry Professional Certificate in 2014.
Corinn Sanders
Corinn graduated from Austintown Fitch and studied accounting and business at YSU. She earned her Accredited Jewelry Professional Certificate in 2006.
Carol Kitt
A Mineral Ridge HS graduate, Carol attended Indiana State University, worked with Jeres Achkar from 2005-2011, and earned her Accredited Jewelry Professional Certificate in 2012.
Janet Chizmar
An Ursuline High School graduate and former bank teller, Janet earned her Applied Jewelry Professional Certificate in 2019.
Nancy Diana
A graduate of Canfield High School, Nancy earned her Accredited Jewelry Professional Certificate in 2009.